Friday, March 5, 2010


I'm sitting at work taking a break from some really tedious work and decided to take a look at "Cakewrecks."

Click it - really. Don't question it, you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Needing Some Sleep

My workouts have been going well, and my deficit has been good - but I'm running out of energy! I really need to get more sleep. Work has been so busy, and I've had to cover shifts lately, which definitely impacts the amount of shut-eye I can get. I do know, though, how important it is to get good rest and recovery if I want to succeed at my goals!

Tonight, Jeb is making Chicken Pot Stickers for dinner. The recipe is out of Leigh Peele's "Around the World" cookbook from Body By Eats. Have you checked out that product yet? You should - there are great (and varied) recipes, and lots of good, real information about healthy nutrition. I'm looking forward to having a good meal and crashing early!