Friday, February 26, 2010

Yes, I did drop a Kettlebell on my head today...

...but I'm ok - I swear! It didn't fall in dramatic fashion, but triceps failed toward the end of my workout (a Kettlebell class) and the bell slipped a bit. I was able to catch it, and the instructor didn't notice!

My workouts have been great. I continue to use kettlebells as much as possible, and am working on my pistol squats - yikes! It's coming along though. I want to have the best base possible before I start training for the Warrior Dash after the snow melts.

I am so FREAKING close to having lost 50 pounds. It's been a long journey so far, and I have a long way to go. I'm still making progress, though my scale weight hasnt' changed over the last few weeks.

TGIF - seriously. What a long week! My parents are coming over tomorrow to work on the house, and they MAY be bringing my niece along to hang out - yay!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Back!!

I'm totally overthinking this whole blog thing. First, I thought it needed more focus - but then it was so focused that I couldn't ever think of anything to write about! I'm still alive - still cooking healthy food, training regularly, and working like crazy!

Some updates:
*I pulled my Achilles tendon on 12/30. I was running late to my favorite mindless cardio class - BodyCombat. I didn't warm up and jumped right into class. During jump-kicks, I pushed too hard and felt it pop - it was awful - and I was seriously depressed about it for days! My workouts had been going great, I was achieving some decent fat loss, and I felt completely stuck! Fortunately, the Men's/Women's Health Big Book of Exercises had just come out, and I found Dave Tate's Bench Press workout! It gave me something to focus on, when I couldn't do much for lower body workouts. Instead of completely vegging out, I improved my upper body strength and mobility - and I REALLY learned the value of a good warm-up. Since I've recovered, my workouts have picked up and I'm actually stronger than ever!! Still frustrated, though, that I can't seem to break a 135# bench press though - it would probably be easier if I actually spent significant time on it...

*Leigh Peele released a new cookbook for Body By Eats - the "5 Ingredient Cookbook." It has some great recipes in it that have been so helpful for Jeb and I as we've tried to fine tune our diet. I've even taught the kids at work some of them - all a big hit! I really really love tricking the kids into eating something healthy for a change!

*I've really increased my kettlebell work. Since I'm focused so much on fat loss right now, I dropped lifting to twice/week, and am completing some sort of circuit (Spartacus workout, KB circuits I shamelessly borrowed from someone else's blog, Cardio Strength Training, etc.). The workouts are fun, difficult, and have helped me improve my conditioning rapidly.

*Kettlebells rock for core strength! I HATE core work, and only do it because it's important. Last summer, I made a sorry attempt to perform a Prone Jackknife on a Swiss ball. I couldn't really even hack it, so I had to use an egg-shaped swiss ball. This exercise hasn't been part of my program for awhile, so when I found out it was a part of my new workout phase, I was intimidated! At the gym, I grabbed the Swiss ball and gave it a try - and I COULD DO IT! Better than ever, actually! It felt great! I can't really think of anything else that could have made me improve this much without specifically working on it, but kettlebells do work the core (especially Turkish Get-Ups), so I think that might have been the difference. YAY!

*I am definitely going to stop overthinking, and start posting more often. :)

Until next time...